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Forum Profile

Points: 1,445
Pass Orbs: 0

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Prize Points: 0
Ranking: 17,948
Joined: Tue. Aug. 3/10
Last seen: Thu. Oct. 31/13 (Mobile)
User group: Members
Viewing user: Mattman112

  • Aura Master

    Lv. 100

  • Yokes
      —Shiny Togetic

    Lv. 100

  • Unhatched
      —Pokémon Egg

    5,120/5,120 ~ 100%

    Egg phase: 6/6
    Views: 14
    Unique Views: 116
    Interactions: 83
  • No nickname

    Lv. 100

Mattman112's Profile

Journal last updated: Monday, October 25th 2010 at 4:43 PM
Help me hatch my egg(s) and level up my pokemon,
Check out My drop box if you want one of them pm me

First Pokemon: Buneary
First Legendary: Manaman (Manaphy)

0 - The two Pokémon prefer to stay away from each other.
1 - The two Pokémon can hardly stand to even look at each other.
2 - The two Pokémon don't like each other very much.
3 - The two Pokémon seem somewhat friendly with each other.
4 - The two Pokémon get along.
5 - The two Pokémon like each other a lot.
6 - The two Pokémon love playing with each other.
7 - The two Pokémon are completely inseparable.

Maturity - Interactions - Hatch Points
1280 - ~ 32 - 11Pts
2560 - ~ 64 - 13Pts
3840 - ~ 96 - 16Pts
5120 - ~128 - 19Pts
6400 - ~160 - 21Pts
7680 - ~190 - 24Pts
8960 - ~224 - 27Pts
10000 - ~237 - 33Pts
10240 - ~256 - 33Pts
20480 - ~512 - 52Pts
27648 - ~657 - 70Pts
30720 - ~768 - 70Pts
40960 - ~920 - 70Pts

My Unowns
Mattman112 has no recent activity.

I'm already a user - log me in! I don't have an account - I'd like to register!