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 Crystal Harmonia

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Joined: Tue. Aug. 23/11
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Viewing user: Crystal Harmonia

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      —Pokémon Egg

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Crystal Harmonia's Profile

Journal last updated: Tuesday, November 1st 2011 at 11:52 AM
My story is a little... odd.

My parents met in a forest in Johto. Mom found dad laying in a clearing, with an injured Celebi nearby. She was helping the poor Pokemon when dad awoke, and saw her helping it. He told her that he had flown to Johto on a legendary dragon, and then released it, intending to find a quiet place to think about his life for a while. However, he'd only been in the forest for a couple of hours when a Celebi had flown into view. As he was trying to save it from the trainer chasing it, the Celebi had darted in front of him and started... glowing. The next thing he remembered was waking up there with her tending the Celebi.

Apparently, an attack had hit it before it had gotten him and itself to safety. And "safety" appeared to be several years in the past!

My father stayed with mom and her parents for a bit while the Celebi recovered. During this time, he spoke with them of what he'd been through, and discussed many things with them. Finally, he seemed to be beginning to understand that not all Pokemon trainers were terrible people, despite what he'd been taught by his father. Just as he started coming to terms with this, he found that it was time to go. The Celebi had fully healed, and wanted to take him back to his time. However, he had unintentionally left a gift behind.

My mum was pregnant with his child. Me.

There's a bit that I don't understand, like why my dad had to go, and why he had such a strange name. What kind of name is N, anyways?

I may look like my mom, but I'm definitely my father's child. When I went to the Lab to claim my first Pokemon egg, it hatched a Latios!

... If you send me a message, I may or may not respond in-character.
Currently hunting: whatever I can find...
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